Automated Job Hazard Analysis Software

Save hours of research and preparation through our automated system!

Upgrade Your Safety Program.

You’ve found the world’s most complete construction Job Hazard Analysis library ever available, fully written by safety professionals and easily editable to meet your project needs.
Combining the Requirements of the 2014 and 2024 EM 385-1-1, 29 CFR OSHA 1910, and 29 CFR OSHA 1926, Gadzoom helps you plan for safety on your site, better and faster than any other tool available.

Process to create an Job Hazard Analysis


With Gadzoom, creating JHAs is simple: just point and click! Select the Job Hazard Analysis you need from our extensive library, then choose the steps for your tasks. We do the hard part for you: typical hazards (with the needed safety controls) are inserted automatically! Whether creating one JHA or dozens simultaneously, Gadzoom makes it easy.

Editing an JHA


Choose from hundreds of JHAs organized by the 48 Division CSI format, then customize it to fit your project. Choose from our steps or create your own, which can then saved to your Library for future use. Easily edit your Job Hazard Analysis for any circumstance and share it with your team to get consensus. Gadzoom's JHA software is powerful and flexible enough to fit any construction project!

Selecting Templates


Gadzoom is designed to save time by eliminating redundancy, bringing JHA creation to a whole new level. Enjoy the power of having the largest JHA Library at your fingertips. Expand and customize the program to your needs. Edit, Duplicate, Select Templates, JHAs are available to edit from your Vault anytime.



Creating a compliant Job Hazard Analysis is difficult, we get it. That's why we've done the hard work for you! Every JHA generated with Gadzoom is OSHA compliant, offering all the latest templates, and optionally includes references to all relevant USACE EM 385-1-1 sections. Spend less time worrying about research and focus on the safety of your workforce!

Companies Trusting Gadzoom to Meet Their AHA and Document Needs

Barnard Logo
Skookum Logo
Tunista Logo
Henselp Helps Logo
Rommel Logo
Walsh Logo
Herman Logo
FSI Logo
Aptim Logo
Garco Logo
Whiting Turner Logo
Korte Logo
J and J Logo
Valiant Logo
Blinderman Logo
QSI Logo
HDR Logo
Gilbane Logo
Siemens Logo
Koman Logo
HPC Logo

Information Library

Using Construction Technology to Expedite Your Project

The construction industry has lost valuable time on projects due to the coronavirus crisis, making it more pressing than ever to conquer administrative mountains - quickly. As each state begins to open up and construction companies can commence operations again, time is of the essence in getting each and every project underway. Pre-construction safety and admin submittals requiring approval can create sizeable roadblocks to the start of construction operations. Unknown to some, advanced construction technologies do exist that make the creation and management of construction safety and administrative documents easier and faster than ever before. And thousands of construction companies are using them!

What’s the Difference Between OSHA and EM 385-1-1 Requirements

We often talk about how Gadzoom’s construction documents are both OSHA and EM 385-1-1 compliant, but what does that mean, exactly? These guidelines represent standards on worksite safety for commercial and government sectors. Essentially, think of them as a comprehensive list of rules for which projects must be conducted under to ensure workers are protected when on the job. At first glance, they sound so similar that it’s easy to assume they may be identical. But after taking a deeper look, the differences start becoming more evident.

Construction Documentation: Cut Costs & Increase Quality

Creating and assembling effective construction administrative and safety documents is difficult, to say the least. Whether it’s an Activity Hazard Analysis or a Quality Control Plan - as a contractor, you’re constantly on the hook for meeting and exceeding the expectations of your client while meeting all applicable OSHA and USACE EM 385-1-1 regulations. Before an employee can ever step foot on the job, you are required to provide proper documentation addressing each and every task under your contract. These documents can take hundreds of hours to put together, costing your company a lot of time and money… Resources which could have gone towards doing the job you were hired for instead.

Gadzoom's Free Document Library

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Gadzoom is a cloud-based program that makes your company's administrative plans for government construction projects fast, accurate, and efficient.