/** * From Hugo Learn theme, license MIT * https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-theme-learn/ */ var lunrIndex, pagesIndex; function endsWith(str, suffix) { return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1; } // Initialize lunrjs using our generated index file function initLunr() { if (!endsWith(baseurl, "/")) { baseurl = baseurl + '/' }; // First retrieve the index file $.getJSON(baseurl + "blog/index.json") .done(function (index) { pagesIndex = index; // Set up lunrjs by declaring the fields we use // Also provide their boost level for the ranking lunrIndex = lunr(function () { this.ref("link"); this.field('title', { boost: 15 }); this.field("summary", { boost: 10 }); this.field("plain", { boost: 5 }); this.pipeline.remove(lunr.stemmer); this.searchPipeline.remove(lunr.stemmer); // Feed lunr with each file and let lunr actually index them pagesIndex.forEach(function (page) { this.add(page); }, this); }) }) .fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) { var err = textStatus + ", " + error; console.error("Error getting Hugo index file:", err); }); } /** * Trigger a search in lunr and transform the result * * @param {String} query * @return {Array} results */ function search(queryTerm) { // Find the item in our index corresponding to the lunr one to have more info return lunrIndex.search(queryTerm + "^100" + " " + queryTerm + "*^10" + " " + "*" + queryTerm + "^10" + " " + queryTerm + "~2^1").map(function (result) { return pagesIndex.filter(function (page) { return page.link === result.ref; })[0]; }); } // Let's get started initLunr(); $(document).ready(function () { new autoComplete({ /* selector for the search box element */ selector: $("#search-by").get(0), /* source is the callback to perform the search */ source: function (term, response) { response(search(term)); }, /* renderItem displays individual search results */ renderItem: function (item, term) { console.log(item) var numContextWords = 2; var text = item.plain.match( "(?:\\s?(?:[\\w]+)\\s?){0," + numContextWords + "}" + term + "(?:\\s?(?:[\\w]+)\\s?){0," + numContextWords + "}"); item.context = text; return '
' + 'ยป ' + item.title + '
' + (item.context || '') + '
' + '
'; }, /* onSelect callback fires when a search suggestion is chosen */ onSelect: function (e, term, item) { location.href = item.getAttribute('data-uri'); } }); });